Wiktor GniteckiAge: 0 days1940–1940
- Name
- Wiktor Gnitecki
- Surname
- Gnitecki
- Given names
- Wiktor
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
elder brother |
4 years elder sister |
2 years elder brother |
4 years elder sister |
Genowefa Gnitecka Birth: 1931 28 32 Death: Wołyń, Poland (Ukraine) |
2 years elder brother |
Birth: January 5, 1933 30 34 — Budki Kudrańskie, Wołyń, Poland (Ukraine) Death: October 13, 2011 — Oleśnica, Poland |
sister |
Private |
sister |
Private |
himself |
Wiktor Gnitecki Birth: 1940 37 41 Death: 1940 |
Father’s family with Private |
father |
step-mother |
Private |