Dominik ChołodeckiAge: 19 years1786–1805
- Name
- Dominik Chołodecki
- Surname
- Chołodecki
- Given names
- Dominik
Birth | 1786 38 |
Birth of a brother | Albert (Wojciech) Chołodecki 1787 (Age 12 months) |
Death of a brother | Jan Chołodecki 1805 (on the date of death) |
Death | 1805 (Age 19 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Tadeusz Chołodecki Birth: 1748 43 — Babine, (Stara Senawa), Poland |
mother | |
elder brother |
Józef Chołodecki Birth: 1777 29 Death: 1851 |
7 years elder brother |
Kajetan Dominik Chołodecki Birth: 1783 35 — Przemyslane, Poland Death: 1857 — Bilcz, Poland |
3 years elder brother |
Jan Chołodecki Birth: 1785 37 Death: 1805 |
2 years himself |
Dominik Chołodecki Birth: 1786 38 Death: 1805 |
2 years younger brother |
Albert (Wojciech) Chołodecki Birth: 1787 39 Death: 1865 — Kudynowiec, Powiat Złoczowski |
sister | |
sister | |
elder sister |
Tekla Chołodecka Birth: 1777 29 Death: June 15, 1852 — Lwów, Poland (Ukraine) |