Hieronim (Geronim) ChołodeckiAge: 43 years1789–1832
- Name
- Hieronim (Geronim) Chołodecki
- Surname
- Chołodecki
- Given names
- Hieronim (Geronim)
Birth | 1789 30 |
Christening | October 1, 1789 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Marcela Chołodecka 1819 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Mariana Chołodecka 1821 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Wincenty Chołodecki 1824 (Age 35 years) |
Christening of a son | Wincenty Chołodecki January 23, 1824 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a daughter | Mariana Chołodecka February 23, 1829 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a son | Wincenty Chołodecki August 13, 1829 (Age 40 years) |
Death | June 9, 1832 (Age 43 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Franciszek Antoni Ignacy Chołodecki Birth: before 1759 18 — Kowel, Poland (Ukraine) |
mother | |
Marriage: April 17, 1774 — Kosciół Chodorkowski |
16 years himself |
Hieronim (Geronim) Chołodecki Birth: 1789 30 — Szpanów, Poland (Ukraine) Death: June 9, 1832 — Hołowle, Poland (Ukraine) |
-7 years elder brother |
Mateusz Chołodecki Birth: 1781 22 |
Family with Gonorata Wis (Wisów) |
himself |
Hieronim (Geronim) Chołodecki Birth: 1789 30 — Szpanów, Poland (Ukraine) Death: June 9, 1832 — Hołowle, Poland (Ukraine) |
wife | |
son |
Wincenty Chołodecki Birth: 1824 35 — Jałowice, Poland (Ukraine) Death: August 13, 1829 — Jarosławicze, Poland (Ukraine) |
-2 years daughter |
Mariana Chołodecka Birth: 1821 32 Death: February 23, 1829 — Jarosławicze, Poland (Ukraine) |
-1 years daughter |
Marcela Chołodecka Birth: 1819 30 |