Krystyna Gracjanna MiłoszAge: 22 years1954–1977
- Name
- Krystyna Gracjanna Miłosz
- Surname
- Miłosz
- Given names
- Krystyna Gracjanna
Birth | December 6, 1954 20 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Gracjan Gnitecki 1971 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Kornelia Stachurska September 15, 1972 (Age 17 years) |
Death | August 3, 1977 (Age 22 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Waldemar Miłosz Death: 1991 — Wrocław, Poland |
mother |
herself |
Birth: December 6, 1954 20 — Wrocław, Poland Death: August 3, 1977 — Wrocław, Poland |
sister |
Private |
Family with Bogusław Sołecki |
husband |
herself |
Birth: December 6, 1954 20 — Wrocław, Poland Death: August 3, 1977 — Wrocław, Poland |
daughter |
Private |
Media object | 1332 KRYSTYNA - GRACJANNA MILOSZ main.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 553 × 562 pixels File size: 52 KB Highlighted image: yes Note:
Media object | 1332 KRYSTYNA - GRACJANNA MILOSZ.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 591 × 883 pixels File size: 86 KB Highlighted image: no Note: